Rating an item of a list is one of the new features of SharePoint 2010. Lately I was asked how to add this feature programmatically to the Page list of a publishing site. First, I was expecting to find a sort of SPList.EnableRating property or something like that. There is no such a thing.
Via the UI, on the list settings page, you just have to click the Ratings settings link and then select YES. When you enable Ratings on a list, SharePoint adds two columns to the content type(s) you choose : AverageRatings and RatingCount.
Finally, after some readings and few searches, here is how I made it using PowerShell :
First, we have to activate a site scoped feature called Ratings with ID 915c240e-a6cc-49b8-8b2c-0bff8b553ed3 :
Enable-SPFeature -Identity Ratings -Url http://SiteCollectionUrl
Then, we add the two columns to the content type(s) of the list :
[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") $site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("
") $web=$site.OpenWeb() if ($web -ne $Null) { $AverageRating=$web.Fields[[System.Guid]"5a14d1ab-1513-48c7-97b3-657a5ba6c742"] $RatingCount=$web.Fields[[System.Guid]"b1996002-9167-45e5-a4df-b2c41c6723c7"] $PagesList=$web.lists["Pages"] if ($PagesList -ne $Null) { Write-Host " Processing List : " $PagesList.Title $ct=$PagesList.ContentTypes["Page"] If ($ct -ne $null) { Write-Host " Adding Rating columns to content type : " $ct.name $AverageRatinglink = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink $AverageRating $RatingCountLink = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink $RatingCount $ct.FieldLinks.Add($AverageRatinglink) $ct.FieldLinks.Add($RatingCountLink) $ct.update() } } } $web.Dispose()
Hope this helps